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Compare Parasailor
Hybrid and Light


Wing geometry

Compared with its predecessor, the external dimensions of the new hybrid wing are far more compact. The most striking element of the new wing is the combination of a long, continuous top sail and a shorter lower sail layer. This way, the top sail forms a single-sail section at the trailing edge. The outcome of this design is the combination of a dynamic-pressure wing and a single-skin wing. The characteristics of this hybrid have many advantages that we will look at here in more detail.

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Angle of attack and camber

A larger angle of attack and greater wing curvature give the unique redesigned hybrid-wing construction a perceptible increase in lift and stability. Compared with its predecessor, the increased performance also makes the wing more responsive and it can be used significantly earlier at low wind speeds. This means that you can now already use the next-generation Parasailor at a wind speed of 2 to 3 knots, depending on the course.

Projected wing surface

The new wing design allows the vertically projected wing surface to be reduced, making hoisting and furling of the new Parasailor much easier and increasing safety. The smaller surface area creates less resistance in the snuffing funnel, so that the sail can be recovered faster and with less effort.

Click on the slider, drag back and forth and compare.

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