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You can use your Parasailor in many different ways. For example, you can use it with or without a spinnaker pole – the choice is yours. Find your favourite set-up.

With spinnaker pole

There are several ways you can rig the Parasail. Using a spinnaker pole – like you do with a regular spinnaker – is just one of many options.

Advantage: A rigid, fixed connection to the ship, which gives the sail additional stability.

Disadvantage: When jibing, someone has to be on the foredeck to operate the heavy and unwieldy spinnaker pole (depending on the size of the yacht). With a spinnaker pole, the initial costs are high.

Without a spinnaker pole

It also works well without a spinnaker pole if two additional sheets are lead over the bow. It is supported by the dynamic-pressure wing of the Parasailor, which stabilises the sail and additionally spreads it centrally like a sail batten.

Advantage: Can be used from +70 degrees through to 180 until -70 degrees. Allows jibing without having to go to the foredeck (additional safety).

Disadvantage: The sail is slightly less stable in high waves than if a tacker or spinnaker pole is used.

With a tacker

You could also attach your Parasailor with the help of a tacker, just like you would with a gennaker.

Advantage: A rigid, fixed connection to the ship, which gives the sail additional stability. Much cheaper and easier to use than a spinnaker pole.

Disadvantage: Someone has to go to the foredeck when jibing.

Use: In high waves on long cruises, e.g. an Atlantic crossing.


On your catamaran, the Parasailor can be handled excellently using 4 ropes. The bow tips of the two hulls serve as ideal attachment points for the kicking straps. This wide positioning of the straps creates even better trimming possibilities than with a monohull.

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